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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #11: With the Dinosaurs





Andrew, Judy, and Thudd have escaped primordial Earth only to find themselves surrounded by huge–and hungry!–dinosaurs. Meanwhile Uncle Al is still stranded in the Ice Age. Somehow Andrew, Judy, and Thudd must fix their time machine and rescue Uncle Al–before he becomes a human ice cube! Kids, parents, and teachers love this series–kids for all its gooey grossness, and teachers and parents for all the fun science and great discussion points!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #12: In The Ice Age





Andrew, Judy, and Thudd have escaped the dinosaurs only to find themselves surrounded by the woolly mammoths of the Ice Age! Can they locate their lost Uncle Al and travel back to their own time before the evil Dr. Kron-Tox puts his nefarious plan into action?


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #09: Andrew Lost in the Time





The evil Dr. Kron-Tox has kidnapped Uncle Al and whisked him away in his time machine! Luckily, Andrew has a time machine of his own. But like most of Andrew’s inventions, the Time-a-Tron doesn’t work quite right. It tumbles Andrew, Judy, and Thudd back to the very beginning of the universe! Will they regain control of the Time-a-Tron in time to save Uncle Al . . . and themselves?


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #10: On Earth





Andrew, Judy, and Thudd have escaped the Big Bang only to find themselves trapped inside the Earth as it forms all around them! Meanwhile Uncle Al is stranded in the Ice Age. Somehow Andrew, Judy, and Thudd must fix their time machine and rescue Uncle Al—before he becomes dinner for a sabertooth tiger! Kids, parents, and teachers love this series—kids for all its gooey grossness, and teachers and parents for all the fun science and great discussion points!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #07: Andrew Lost on the Reef





Andrew, Judy, and Thudd are out of the whale, but not out of trouble, when the Water Bug gets caught on the Great Barrier Reef! This is the third in a four-book set that will take the kids on a tour of undersea phenomena—from the Great Barrier Reef to the Mariana Trench to the inside of a whale—as they try to find their way home.


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #08: Andrew Lost in the Deep





Andrew, Judy, and Thudd drive the Water Bug deep into the ocean, where the only light comes from strange glowing creatures. Just as they're passing over the deepest place on earth, the trusty Water Bug loses power! Now instead of saving the giant squids, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd will have to save themselves - or be lost on the bottom of the ocean forever!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #05: Andrew Lost Under Water





After getting unshrunk, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd take a much needed vacation to Hawaii. While making modifications to Uncle Al’s latest invention–the submarine-like Water Bug–Andrew ends up stranding himself, Judy, and Thudd underwater!Andrew Lost Under Water is the first in a four-book set that will take Andrew, Judy, and Thudd on a tour of undersea phenomena, from the Great Barrier Reef to the Mariana Trench to the inside of a whale, as they try to find their way home.A sTepping Stone Book™


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #06: Andrew Lost in the Whale





After escaping an underwater volcano, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd drive their submersible vehicle, the Water Bug, right down a whale’s throat!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #03: Andrew Lost in the Kitchen





Andrew, his cousin Judy, and super-smart robot Thudd escape the bathtub–only to get flushed down the toilet! Now they have to find their way through a maze of pipes to the kitchen sink. But the kitchen is no place to be when you’re the size of a flea. Monster cockroaches scurry across the counter while flies patrol the skies. Will the kids survive the kitchen? Or will they end up frozen in the fridge? Time is running out!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #04: Andrew Lost in the Garden





Andrew, his cousin Judy, and super-smart robot Thudd hitch a ride out of the kitchen on the back of a fly and end up in the garden. The view is awfully nice from the head of a daisy, but time is running out. . . . They have to get back to the Atom Sucker and unshrink themselves before it’s too late!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #01: Andrew Lost on the Dog





When Andrew’s latest invention, the Atom Sucker, goes haywire, Andrew and Judy are shrunk down to microscopic level! Andrew and Judy find themselves lost on their neighbor’s dog, where they encounter everything from colossal fleas to crab-like eyelash mites. Now they have to find their way back to the Atom Sucker and get unshrunk before it’s too late!


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好書推薦-Andrew Lost #02: Andrew Lost in the Bathroom





When Andrew and Judy’s neighbor gives her dog a bath, microscopic Andrew and Judy find themselves washed off the dog and lost in the bathroom! They’ll have to use their wits–and Thudd’s storehouse of facts–if they’re to survive run-ins with mold, mildew, an ocean of soapy water, and a predatory spider on their way back to the Atom Sucker.


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好書推薦-Big Green Book of Beginner Books





What could make a better present than a Beginner Book written by Dr. Seuss? Six of them—for less than the price of two! We’ve taken the complete text and art of Great Day for Up! (illustrated by Quentin Blake); I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! (illustrated by James Stevenson); I Wish That I Had Duck Feet (illustrated by T. Tobey); Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet! (illustrated by Michael Smollin); Wacky Wednesday (illustrated by George Booth); and Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog? (illustratedby Roy McKie) and bound them together in one sturdy hardcover omnibus. A perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readers appetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.


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好書推薦-Big Red Book of Beginner Books





What’s a better present than a classic Beginner Book? Six of them—for less than the price of two! Following on the success of The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books and The Big Green Book of Beginner Books, we’ve taken the complete text and art of P. D. Eastman’s Sam and the Firefly, Robert Lopshire’s I Want to Be Somebody New!, Marilyn Sadler’s The Very Bad Bunny, Mike McClintock’s Stop That Ball!, Al Perkins’s The Digging-est Dog, and Joan Heilbroner’s Robert the Rose Horse and bound them together in one sturdy hardcover omnibus. This is a perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readers’ appetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.


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好書推薦-Scholastic Children’s Dictionary (2010)





The #1 choice in children's dictionaries is brand new for 2010!


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好書推薦-Big Blue Book of Beginner Books





What could make a better present than a classic Beginner Book? Six of them—for less than the price of two! We've taken the complete text and art of three beloved P.D. Eastman titles: Go, Dog. Go!, Are You My Mother?, and The Best Nest; Robert Lopshire's Put Me In the Zoo (the first of his books featuring the character Spot); Marilyn Sadler and Roger Bollen's It's Not Easy Being a Bunny (the first PJ Funnybunny story); and Mike McClintock's charming, cautionary tale A Fly Went By, and bound them together in one sturdy hardcover omnibus. A perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readers appetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.


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好書推薦-Dear Dumb Diary: #5 Can Adults Become Human





Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice), diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be.


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好書推薦-Dear Dumb Diary: #6 Problem with Here Is That It’s Where I’m From





Everyone's favorite Mackerel Middle-Schooler, Jamie Kelly, is back with another hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice) diary!


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好書推薦-Dear Dumb Diary: #3 Am I the Princess or the Frog?





Jamie has a crush on Hudson. Someone too-gross-to-be-named has a crush on Jamie. And Hudson has a crush on ... Princess Turd of Turdsylvania (a.k.a. The Prettiest Girl in the World). Middle school is no fairytale. And crazy doesn't even begin to cover it.


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好書推薦-Dear Dumb Diary: #4 Never Do Anything, Ever





Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice), diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be.


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